Bespoke Systems

At Auto Mate Systems Ltd, we often receive enquiries that require a specialised solution.  From drawbridges to specialised crossing systems we work alongside our customers to create the perfect solution.

With over 20 years of experience in our sector, our team can guide you through the design and manufacture, providing you with a system that is both aesthetically pleasing and effective.

Having worked with both large and small companies alike, we will make sure that you are confident about the system and solution we can provide.  We take the time to visit your site and assess your individual situation, to make sure that we match your requirements perfectly.  From this, we get to understand more about the specific scenario and we can design a system using the optimum materials alongside the most efficient of automated systems.

A recent example is a custom drawbridge system that we designed and installed for one of the UK’s largest sports retailers.  The drawbridge allows trolleys and pedestrians to cross, while in the event of a fire, the drawbridge will raise and allow for a fire shutter to come across, saving, at minimum, half of the stock in the warehouse.

Our client said “The drawbridge that Auto Mate designed and installed, enabled the warehouse to work more efficiently, a previously unused technique enabled the ramp to be installed and lift in tandem with the fire alarm, as well as the closing of the fire door, ensuring no detrimental effect to the safe working practice of the warehouse.”

From working on such projects, we realise that bespoke systems can be quite difficult to come across and our specialised team is in a perfect position to offer a solution for what may be your unique requirements.

For any further information, or, a quote on a bespoke system, please do not hesitate to get in touch via telephone, email or through our social media channels;

Telephone: 01254 234248


Twitter: @automatesystems

Instagram: automatesystems
